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Emeritus Prof. Dr. Refik Kadija (Ph.D. in English Literature; Assoc. Professor, English and American Literature; Professor, English and American Studies; Professor Emeritus, Outstanding Merit at Full Professorial Status in Teaching and Research; Fulbright Scholar,  Boston University Faculty Staff, and Member of the Harvard Faculty Club; Visiting Professor, Institut für Amerikanistik, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, officially selected by the Austrian Ministry for science and research, as well as by the KFU; Chair of British and American Studies, 1993-2003; Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Luigj Gurakuqi University of Shkodra, 2001-2008) graduated from the Faculty of Philology, University of Tirana, Albania, in 1965. He has been a Professor of English and American Literature mostly at Tirana University, Albania, since 1965. He also gives lectures in Montenegro and Macedonia. He is the Honourable President of the Albanian-American Scientific and Cultural Association, a Member of the ISSEI (International Society for the Study of European Ideas) since 1993, the Chairman of the Albanian Society for the Study of European Ideas since 1994, and a member of the ESRA (European Shakespeare Research Association) since December 2007.

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