LCPJ’s General Keypoints
1. Briefing about the LCPJ

Linguistic and Communicative Performance[Print ISSN 2073-5138; Online ISSN 2077-0812], being the first Albanian scientific journal with ISSNs registered in France, was started as a publication of 500 hard copies in 2008 and as an online software (now in 2009 in Tirana, throughout various obstacles, out of necessity to launch the idea of breaking the chains or cutting the claws of various language structures, aiming at establishing a natural approach to a healthy qualitative performance in language acquisition, language production, as well as in an overall cultural and intercultural communication in order to help make the most of the limited capacities of human beings in the world and get the most out of such capacities each day.

The primary academic discipline of the LCPJ is Arts and Humanities, focusing mainly on the following subjects: Linguistics – Applied Linguistics; Education – Language and Literature Education; Social Sciences – Communication, Psychology, Interculturality; and Innovation – Radical/Incremental/Disruptive Linguistic Innovation. Its readership mostly include University professors and students of the respective fields. To know more about the Journal’s aim and scope you can click at the following link:

In the first years of publication, it was included in the list of journals by Genamics JournalSeek ( Later, it was given a Global Impact Factor by the Institute for Information Resources ( At first, the Journal, having only one broad topic article at its foundation, was given both an ISBN (from England) and an ISSN (from France), in compliance with the requirements of that time to have them both.  At present, the Journal has also the ISSN-L 2073-5138 as a common ISSN for the print and online versions ([]=MUST=default=lcpj&search_id=24980894).

LCPJ Publishing and the Exclusive Rights License to own the Journal given to the Founder of the LCPJ, Sander Kola, by the Copyright Office in Albania in 2009 mark the formal ownership of this Journal. In order to survive in the market economy, the Linguistic and Communicative Performance Journal had to be run as a business with its identifying number K82227015D. The revenue of this entity is based on the fees the authors have to pay for their paper’s processing and publication, product selling, and relevant advertisement. Address and contact can be found at the contact section of the website. Those educational institutions that are interested in having an advertisement on the LCPJ’s print or online versions, can send an email using one or both of the email addresses: or

The governing body of the LCPJ is made up of recognized experts in the subject areas. They are clearly shown at the home page of the website with their photograph, full name, and a short description.

2. Editorial Policy of the LCPJ can be found at the link , while

3. Submission Guidelines can be found at the link

4. Responsibilities of the publisher/owner, editors, and reviewers of the LCPJ

The relationship between the publisher/owner, editors, and reviewers is based on the principle of the integration of professional confidence, opinion independence, and continuous co-operation. However, based on our own practice and the COPE guidelines ( we have adopted some points to show the responsibility of each party for the fluent management of things in order to be correct with our service to the authors of manuscripts submitted to become papers on the LCPJ:

1. The LCPJ Publishing is responsible for the general management of publication procedures, including the payment for the service done by editors and reviewers with no conflict of interest, so that the high quality of product publication is maintained. Publication issues can be discussed using the email address
2. Editors of LCPJ are responsible for everything published in the journal, so they may ask for more feedback from the reviewers before making any difficult decision to accept or reject a manuscript as an article. They also decide whether it is necessary to reflect an author’s ethical misbehaviour on the online version of the journal and report it to the author’s institution after having had communicated with the author previously.
3. Reviewers of LCPJ, who must link their professionalism to the reputation of this journal as well, should consider the following:
– Conduct objective reviews without personal criticism.
– Express their views clearly with supporting arguments and references as necessary and not be defamatory in their reviews.
– Declare any competing interests and decline to review manuscripts with them.
– Obtain the editor’s permission before passing a review request onto a colleague.
– Respect the confidentiality of material supplied to them and not discuss unpublished manuscripts with colleagues or use the information in their own work.

Prices for Manuscript Processing and Article Publication in the LCPJ

Submission of an abstract to have its manuscript accepted for review is free

Submission of a manuscript to be reviewed for an article costs $10

Publication of an article with 1000 – 3000 words costs $100

Publication of an article with 3000 – 6000 words costs $130

Publication of an article with 6000 – 8000 words costs $170

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